Fantastic on shearing and show days, is this Stainless Steel Alpaca Fibre cleaning rod.
It works on the principle of electrostatic force. As the cleaner rod moves through the Alpaca's fibre, the current set up by the metal in the fleece means that small particles of vegetation are attracted to the rod, and hence come out of the fibre.
Vegetation will fly out as will dust and dirt. It is the vegetable matter that it is most important to remove as these are the main contaminates of your fleece that will see it downgraded when processed. Dust will wash out so you dont need to get it dust free, but removal of the maximum VM is the most critical.
Firstly, remove by hand all large piece of VM like hay on the top surface of the Alpaca's fleece.
Then, make short, sharp,downward chopping motions with the rod on the side of the Alpaca. You are hitting the fleece, not the body of the Alpaca and the small short VM will simply pop out.
Once the top layer is done, lift the top layer of fleece, and then repeat the chopping motion on the next layer.
Where the neck meets the body is usually quite dirty and gathered quite a birds nest. Don't attempt to use the cleaner on this. Shear it off and throw away immediately to prevent contaminating the remaining fleece.
Take care with heavily pregnant females to ensure their protruding belly isn't hit.
The cleaning rod will get fleece build up on it, and this needs to be taken off by cutting with a sharp knife, particularly in between colour changes.

This product was added to our catalog on Friday 12 October, 2012.